Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Keeping your Bunny away from Boredom!

A rabbit's choice of housing is important. Daisy has a big area to play and groom.

Playtime is a very important thing for your big-eared furry friend. You can't just buy a bunch of toys and pile them into the cage, figuring they'll play with the toys while you are gone. You have to take your bunny out and physically interact with him or her. Rabbits are very social creatures that instinctively know that play is a way to learn how to interact with their environment, to keep their bodies in shape for things that they do everyday. But what if you have a rabbit and you simply do not have enough time to sit down on the floor and play with the bunny every single day? You shouldn't get rid of your bunny, but get another one! Two or three rabbits have a few pros and cons. They will live longer, be happier, and never get lonely during those long hours when your away at work or school. Of course, this doesn't mean you can hide the cage somewhere in a dark shed, or leave the cage in a place where cannot observe and pet your bunny(s) from time to time as you walk from room to room. The location of your bunnies' play space should be where the rabbit likes to be. Does Flopsy enjoy a high-traffic area where you are a lot, or does she prefer a quieter, low-traffic area, such as a living room or bedroom? Another thing to ponder is: Where will the bunny play? A place where the toys are, surely. A poll on a rabbit website stated that rabbits like homemade toys the best, but even more than that, they love their humans. If your bunny loved you that much, and trust me, he does, wouldn't you want him to be in a place where he wouldn't be neglected? Rabbits love attention from anyone, and many say their rabbits love to be where house visitors come in. Without a proper "play area," bunnies can get bored, and even aggressive.


Given the fact that rabbits are unable to vocalize their thoughts, feelings, and emotions to us,  rabbit owners must know their bunnies well enough to realize when enough is enough in regards to playtime. Overexertion is the last thing we want our bunnies to experience. Keep a close eye on your pet's body language and vocalizations during play to keep it fun!!!!

1 Times up! Though laying down is
usually a sign of contentment, if you've been playing with your rabbit for awhile, and he proceeds to lie down, it may be a sign your pet is hot and tired and wants to rest.
Supply fresh water and keep the cage in reach just in case the bunny needs to hop in, in order to relax.

2 Boxed in    Rabbits see their litter-box as their personal space, and 50% of the time, they're sitting on it. If your bunny hops into his litter-box during playtime, it means they're done playing for the time being.

3 Grunt, Grunt   Have you ever heard a grunting sound come from your rabbit's throat? This is another way rabbits vocalize towards people or other rabbits when they're trying to tell them that they want them to stop. If your bunny does thing, leave him alone, as he may be a little tired of you shoving toys in his face(in his point of view).

4 Catch ya' later    Sometimes your rabbit will not do any of the above; he'll simply hop away and leave you in the dust. At times like these, playtime is over. Attempting to chase him and continue the game may lead to angering your rabbit. Allow your pet to do what he wants, as there is really no such thing as telling him what to do; rabbits are extremely stubborn, so if you do own a rabbit, it may be the other way around.

Daisy enjoys a toy I bought her

Rabbits love toys they can tear up--especially if there's treats inside!


  1. I never knew this about rabbits thank you for educating me.

  2. You're welcome! I finally was able to figure out how to add some pics. Sorry guys if it looked little boring.


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