Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spotlight Critter Is The New Craze on Critter Corner!

In the More Fun/Contests and events areas, you can submit your critter and send us your picture link if needed. Usually seen on More Fun, we decided to show it here first so you can see how cool it is! Today's cool critter: Caramel! Remember, commenting telling us everything about your pet is easy as clicking on the "comment" box and supplying your pet's name. This critter was submitted by Anonymous, but you can also create a cool critter name or your first name only. Thanks!

Hi, I'm Caramel, the winner of the Critter Corner Pet Spotlight Contest! My owners say I have the personality of being adventurous and fun. I'm a golden female hamster and I love peanuts as a snack! I also love burrowing in things like blankets and I love my exercise ball. My pet friends include Peanut and Butter the dachshunds, Jingles the cat, and Blubster a fish. I am happy to be on Critter Corner because I read it often! 

Caramel is a cute hamster. We are so happy
for her and her owner! Thanks Caramel for

1 comment:

  1. Yay I got on CC! cool! CarameL loves that shes on here! yay caramel! (: Lol


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